Mouse is a tool to facilitate the work in the application and make the settings. compared with using the keyboard. But several factors may be a mistake that causes the cursor so that it does not damage the road, can be seen below. Possibilities of mouse data cable that is in the mainboard does not match. pemasangn data cable from this there are two types of data on the cable conector serial mouse. Solution if the mouse cable is not the original you try to change the settings of the data cable conector tersebu. this possibility you can do to help the cause at the top. Conector interruptedly mouse can cause the mouse does not display the way, if the mouse is not stable conector should still be the way but I can not last long. possible solution of the problems that you may be able to do to overcome the causes of damage memantu above, namely the wedge with a folded paper. if this is considered extremely urgent or can replace with another conector. There is a possibility also in the mouse cable to drop out, usually near the ends of the dropouts in the mouse, if it is like the way the mouse will not be at all. Solutions to the problems that may be above you can do is, measure the cable with the mouse data with AVO meter, if the cable is found to drop out then you can replace it with another cable. if there is no possibility of any other damage. Damage to the mouse driver can also cause the mouse can not work. mdriver especially when the mouse is not suitable, although other drivers can be used, but the mouse will not provide the maximum results, or not normal. solutions to the problems above, you can do is to use the drivers that competible for all types of mouse.
Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010
Senin, 16 Agustus 2010
Frst on the keyboard troubleshooting
Posted by
Desain M.and.Art
Display Keyboard error
What you mean a PC, without using the keyboard. Although small and price is cheaper than the other. But this one is the peripherals that are very important in running an operation in the PC. used if the PC does not have a floppy disk drive you can still work, but if your PC does not use the keyboard you will not be able to run PC's. Damage to this first, the computer only to appear, but does not want to continue their activities and give the message "keyboard error ... cheksum CMOS failur ... press F1 to continue and del to setup". so intruksi you follow, your PC does not show the results as well as signs to continue. The error number of factors, which may be the cause of the damage so that the display is a keyboard error. 1. conector interruptedly keyboard can cause a message that appears on the screen keyboard error. * Solution o the problems that may help you to overcome the above problems, namely the wedge with the paper, if considered urgent conector can change before a new keyboard. 2. likely also be on the keyboard is a data cable to drop out. usually dropped out of the base conector. if it is not like the keyboard will be a way. * Solution o the possibility of the problems that you may be able to do to help overcome the causes of corruption in the top, with the data using the keyboard with the AVO meters. if they found that the data cable that have dropped out, then replace the cable with the other. but if not there may be damage to the other. 3. IC controler keyboard found on the keyboard to work comvert language code / digits that ASCI will be informed to the mainboard, with the appropriate button in the press. IC damaged if the keyboard does not will road. * Solution o If using a new keyboard, to replace the IC is not possible because the price of IC controler keyboard more expensive than buying a new keyboard. I love so suggestions to overcome the above problems is to replace with a new keyboard. 4. Sometimes does not match the estimates, all have been replaced but still error kevboard possibility is that the last rupture sekring on the mainboard with the keyboard located
/ female socket, labeled FS1 or F1 or L1. This component serves to deliver voltages of 5V to the keyboard this component is small as a sekring flow divider, if this sekring dropout voltage and current will also drop out so the keyboard does not get the voltage to run its tasks. * Solution o to cause the above is to replace the component F1 (sekring) the other, and must be the same size, if sekring not have this then you can replace it with a resistor.Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010
5 Godaan Ketika Berpuasa dan Cara Mengatasinya
Posted by
Desain M.and.Art

Bulan Ramadan merupakan kesempatan bagi muslim seluruh dunia untuk meraih pahala melalui ibadah puasa. Agar ibadah tersebut berjalan lancar, terapkanlah strategi pola makan sehat dan tepat. Persisnya, untuk mengatasi lima "cobaan" puasa.
1. "Kalap" ketika Berbuka
Aksi "balas dendam" kerap dilakukan secara tidak sadar ketika berbuka puasa. Padahal, puasa melatih seseorang lebih bersabar menahan diri, termasuk nafsu menyantap makanan berlebihan. Pilihlah minuman dan makanan yang memiliki asupan elektrolik tinggi untuk menimalisir efek dehirasi. Makananlah secukupnya dan pilihlah buah-buahan sebagai pencuci mulut, hal ini dapat mengurangi "efek" bobot berlebih alias kegemukan usai berpuasa.
2. Lemas saat Berpuasa.
Dengan berpuasa kerja organ tubuh "diistirahatkan" selama 12 jam lebih. Alhasil, tubuh Anda secara otomatis beradaptasi menjadi mudah lemas dan mengantuk, terutama di minggu pertama puasa. Mengatasinya, konsumsilah makanan suplemen saat sahur seperti Vitamin C dan vitamin B, atau multivitamin yang mengandung zinc dan selenium. Anda bisa berkonsultasi dengan dokter untuk memilih suplemen yang tepat.
3. Bau Mulut.
Aroma mulut yang kurang sedap kerap menjadi tantangan tersendiri saat berpuasa. Larangan minum membuat tubuh mengalami dehidrasi dan rongga mulut menjadi kering. Alhasil kadar air liur atau saliva mengalami penurunan dan membuat bakteri dalam mulut mudah berkembang biak. Santaplah menu makanan yang mengandung seledri, keju, jamur shiitake (sejenis jamur), dan biji wijen. Bahan tersebut mampu melindungi rongga mulut dan membunuh bakteri yang menimbulkan bau tidak sedap.
4. Sembelit atau Konstipasi.
Jeda waktu makan antara saat sahur dan berbuka membuat organ dalam saluran pencernaan memiliki waktu istirahat banyak. Kondisi ini menyebabkan daerah usus tidak berkontraksi, sehingga bisa menimbulkan sembelit atau susah buang air besar. Mengantisipasinya, perbanyaklah minum air putih, serta makan sayur dan buah-buahan.
5. Merasa Kenyang saat Sahur.
Kebiasaan mengemil setelah berbuka atau usai salat Tarawih kerap datang menggoda. Terlebih lagi, jika saat berbuka "kalap" dan menyantap makanan sebanyak mungkin. Hal itu menyebabkan perut terasa kenyang saat waktu sahur tiba. Makanlah secukupnya.
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